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Questions tagged [mulan-1998]

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5 votes
2 answers

When does the animated Disney film "Mulan" take place?

When does the animated Disney film Mulan (1998) take place? It is made clear in the film that it takes place in China, but the time period is a lot less clear, as the film has elements of several ...
Aariz Khan's user avatar
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Did Disney's "Mulan" (1998) invent the "You bow to no one" moment?

Towards the end of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003), the Hobbits bow to newly-crowned King Aragorn. He tells them they "bow to no one," kneels for the Hobbits, and then ...
suckrates's user avatar
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2 answers

Why didn't the great stone dragon wake in Mulan?

In the original Mulan movie, Mushu is sent to wake the great stone dragon to go bring Mulan back. The dragon doesn't wake up, and Mushu eventually ends up destroying the statue in his attempts to ...
Torill Plogvoll's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What does 'a fool in school for cutting gym' mean?

In the Mulan movie, there's a song called "Be a Man", sung by Donny Osmond as Shang. At one point, different trainees say an individual line (1:35 in the above video)...
Mithical's user avatar
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What was the name of the Hun Leader in Disney's Mulan?

Upon first introduction this character is introduced to us as Shan Yu. As an audience we assume that that is his name, however, that name is just a rank, which can be translated to English, "Hun ...
Burtyboy80's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How did they know there was a 'dark side of the moon'?

In Disney's Mulan, Shang sings "I'll Make a Man Out of You" during the training montage, in which are the lyrics: [You must be] mysterious as the dark side of the moon. How did he know that there ...
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