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Questions tagged [knight-of-cups]

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14 votes
3 answers

Why is the movie named "Knight of Cups"?

The Christian Bale movie Knight of Cups (2015) is a drama movie. What is the significance of the movie name as Knight of Cups?
Brock James's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why Knight of Cups poster look like that?

Why Knight of Cups poster look like that? It has some Palm tree & Pyramid on it. Another poster here makes sense & suits to Rick role.
The Hawk's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why Rick teleports to desert regions in the movie?

In Knight of Cups, Rick character suddenly teleports to desert region from city region. If You see the movie, Rick(screenwriter) lives in city. But sometimes he teleports to some desert like region, ...
The Hawk's user avatar
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