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Questions tagged [american-pie]

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4 votes
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Why was Eugene Levy not cast in American Pie Presents: Girls' Rules?

Eugene Levy as character "Noah Levenstein" (Jim's dad) was cast in all of the American Pie and American Pie Presents movies except the most recent one: American Pie Presents: Girls' Rules. ...
leguchi's user avatar
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Did American Pie have to license the name from Don McLean?

Did American Pie have to license the name from Don McLean in order to call the movie American Pie, since the title was taken directly from the song?
Joey Baseball's user avatar
8 votes
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Why is American Pie called American Pie?

I always wondered why a sexual comedy film would be called American Pie. I mean what is the significance of "Pie" in the title?
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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3 answers

How did Jim's mom die?

In American Reunion (2012), we learn that Jim's mom is dead. Is there any info or clue in the movie about how she died?
Mehper C. Palavuzlar's user avatar