In Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Obi Wan tells Anakin that the shields are still up and Anakin destroys them before going into the hangar of the Invisible Hand. Why does it matter that the shields are up if it is a hangar shield that fighters regularly go in and out of?
I looked in the cross section and it says that Anakin blew up the “Atmospheric Containment Shield”, which doesn’t really explain why they couldn’t land while it was on. Why didn’t Obi-wan and Anakin just land inside the Invisible Hand (name of Grievous’ ship here)?
Why did they need to blow up the shield? Did the shield need to be turned off for vulture droids to exit? Was it a one way shield? We see in clone wars shields being left on with ships leaving from republic ships. Was it like the droidika’s shield and they were traveling too fast to make it in?
I would like a in-universe answer that can be canon or legends.