In Avengers: Infinity War, towards the end of the film,
Thanos is successful in halving the entire universe's population. But, when this happens, the film pretty much only shows: (1) those who are in Wakanda; (2) Nick Fury in NYC; and (3) Spider-Man and company on Titan.
But, what about the rest of the universe? Why weren't any other planets and their populations shown?
Given that there are thousands of planets and populations in the universe and the audience has, by now, been exposed to a decent number of different species/life-forms/planets/etc., I feel like this moment in the film was actually underplayed since it only focused on the superheroes instead of the entire universe, which is what Thanos actually targeted (i.e., not just the people actively fighting him).
So, my question is: why weren't any other life forms from any other planets and/or other planets and their populations shown during the events towards the end of the film?