In the 2007 film Shoot Em Up, a group of assassins under the direction of Paul Giamatti are attempting to kill Clive Owen, a pregnant woman he seeks to protect, and the baby she delivers.
Owen discovers that the baby's father is a powerful politician who had bred the child to serve as a source of replacement bone marrow, and infers that Paul Giamatti and his goons seek to interfere because the politician, who is suffering from cancer, will support gun-control measures if elected president, and they prefer that he dies.
It is eventually revealed that the politician is secretly in league with the gun lobby, rendering the initial assassination attempts needless. However, the politician is soon shot to death, at which point Giamatti and company continue to try to murder Clive Owen and the baby, even torturing Owen to try to get the location of the baby.
Why? Why at this point do they care? Once the politician is on their side, they don't need to kill anybody. Once he's dead, doubly so.