A long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away...) I saw a show on TV. It was sort of like one of those "Hollywood Extra" type shows. This is going back to the early 80's for sure.
Anyway, on the show they talked about a scene in one of the Star Wars movies that was apparently shot on the roof of a studio. Someone discovered that if you go frame-by-frame in this scene with the then-spanking-new VHS release, you could see the edge of the roof and the parking lot below. And they showed it frame-by-frame, and sure enough you could see the parking lot below.
I'm 99.9999% positive that Lucas has fixed this by now, so it's not going to show up on any DVD/Blu-Ray release. And it's so long ago that I couldn't even find anything on Google that confirms this.
Does anyone know which scene/movie this was in? It had to be the original trilogy, but I can't remember which one it was.