In Fargo, Season 2, Episode 9, "The Castle", the police decide to maintain Ed Blumquist's meeting with Mike Milligan at the Motor Motel. This is after Hanzee Dent has already absconded with a car and driven away.
When the parade of police cars arrive at the motel midday to setup their sting operation, Hanzee appears to already be there, perched atop a building across the way, observing using his rifle scope.
Did Hanzee know they were going to the motel? I can only assume he trailed the police cars from a safe distance, then parked a block away and climbed a building to get a lookout post, but that seems like a bit much for him to put together on such a short notice, given the amount of time the police take arriving with the Blumquists, then taking rooms. Should I assume police had been at the motel earlier to establish rooms and Hanzee drew conclusions from having tracked them, or perhaps he was listening to a police radio?