In the season 2 finale of Orange is the New Black...
Norma (the nearly mute) attempts to create a poison from apple seeds to give to Vee (the ringleader of the black gang) after Vee attacks Red (the Russian ex-chef). Gloria (the Latino chef), tells her that it isn't possible to make enough poison from that many apples, and together they conspire to do... something. This involves dog hair, eggs, and something that is ground up. After creating this thing, Norma blows something onto the back of (or into the hair of) Vee.
My question is - what were they making? What was their plan? And did it succeed?
Did the concoction leave Vee with impaired judgement, leading her to alienate her followers? Or did the plan simply not work, as other events unfolded? What was the purpose of the dog hair?