What is the song Lupin plays at the end of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), when he's packing up.

I already know the boggart scene one: it is Hot Liquorice by Dick Walters, but I am unsure about the one that occurs later.


1 Answer 1


This has been asked on various forums for a long time with no answer I'm afraid, I have personally trawled through hours of really good swing music trying to find it. To no avail, each time I think "its got to be by __" no joy

All I can conclude that is a piece of stock music, or a throwaway by John Williams. I'd love to be proved wrong though as it really is a catchy tune

  • Possibly a public domain big band number, which would explain the lack of credits everywhere.
    – Walt
    Commented Jul 21, 2014 at 8:16

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