In Westworld S03E06, we see that Charlotte Hale, which became another avatar of Dolores, stole from the Serac lab a pearl (that damaged white sphere - "core" - containing the memories and identity of the original Dolores Abernathy), in the last moment when she tries to escape from the agents of Serac which are hunting her.
Wikipedia says about this Episode 6 that:
In her escape from Serac, [Charlotte] destroys Hector's core and takes the Dolores core.
but also does not explain what happened with that core in just a few seconds time.
What happened with Dolores 'core' after Charlotte Hale took it from the lab while escaping?
Fact is that when the agents attack her, just moments later, Charlotte put her phone on the floor and activate the giant robot meant to deal with riots control - then raise her hands - but no sign of the Dolores core on her whatsoever at that moment. As the filming was made, from around Charlotte, we cannot see anywhere a place where she could keep on her (or hide ??) the Dolores "pearl" - having about the size of an apple.
However, we cannot see any moment when Charlotte is alone while running, as the agents keep shooting at her while hunting her on the stairs of the lab, so she cannot hide anywhere the pearl of Dolores far from their sight. She simply seems to not have anymore on her the pearl in the seconds when she went outside of the lab. I watched several times this episode just because of this strange detail about Dolores' pearl missing, but couldn't see anytime something to explain this fact.
Later edit:
Please explain if you think that thing could be due to any continuity break happened as in more other movies (where a scene is shot in multiple locations, or in different days, even in inverse order of the movie events).
My opinion is that such continuity break couldn't be a real explanation - because the central point of hunting Charlotte was exactly because she stole that core. After all, Dolores was the robot that would do everything to destroy Serac so she had to be stopped by all means by her enemy.