In the action thriller The Long Kiss Goodnight, Geena Davis plays an amnesiac who, at the start of the movie has no memory of her previous life as a spy.
Her character, Samantha Caine, recovers her previous memories of being the Spy Charly Baltimore with the help of sleazy private detective Mitch Hennessy. When she does she tries to erase her memories as a domesticated mother in several ways. When she has to recover a key from her daughter she is momentarily tempted by the possibility of killing her daughter (she sights her with a sniper rifle before being interrupted).
A few scenes later, after Timothy (one of the bad guys) has kidnapped the daughter she changes attitude and tries to rescue her. The transition in attitude is sudden (compare, for example, to how Sarah Connor changes from a killing machine into a mother in Terminator 2 where the changes is specifically foreshadowed and clearly triggered by specific events).
What triggers the change in Charly? Why does Samantha/Charly move so quickly from trying to erase her recent past to embracing it?