A Walk Among the Tombstones, while being from 2014, is set in 1999, as mentioned at the beginning of the film as well as in repeated references to the "millenium bug" hysteria in newspapers. But since the Lawrence Block novel it is based on is from 1992, I wondered why the filmmakers deliberately decided to set it in 1999, rather than either the present time or the novel's original time.
I thought about possible technological limitations, but Scudder's reluctance to use a cell phone or the internet has more of a personal reason than a technological one and he does use a cell phone later in the story, as does T.J. use the internet for research. And in light of technological limitations they could as well have chosen the original time frame anyway. The "millenuim bug" references in the story on the other hand don't amount to more than one or the other newspaper headline or a short quip from one of the characters.
So why is the film's story explicitly set in 1999? What does this setting, primarily exhibited in the small "millenium bug" references that could not have been part of the source novel, add to the movie's story? Or is there any other reason to set it then and not earlier or later that I just overlooked, or any other meaning to 1999 and its zeitgeist that adds to the story's themes? Have the filmmakers by any chance commented on this or is there other material to derive an expalantion for that from?