At the beginning of the 2008 movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, an old woman named Daisy tells her daughter a story about a blind clock-maker named Monsieur Gateau who has lost his son in the 1st World War. When he's commissioned to design a clock for a train station nearby, he builds one which has time running backwards. When he's asked why he did something like that, he answers that so that the people lost in the World War would come back home again, and live the life they meant to have, including his own son.
I made it that way.
So that perhaps the boys that we lost in a war
might stand and come home again.
Home to farm, work, have children. To live long, full lives.
Perhaps my own son might come home again.
Then it's said that Mr. Gataeu was never seen again.
Then the woman asks her daughter to get her diary and read it to her. The diary is about the life of Benjamin Button. However, Button's life and Mr. Gataeu's story seems to have no relation at all. Or is their any link between these two seemingly distant stories?