I just watched Tenet and didn't get it. That's not a problem as I'm not a native English speaker so I rely on subtitles. Even though I understood the English (I switch to Hindi audio wherever necessary), I didn't get the movie.
The problem I want to talk about here is about the movies like this itself and the audience. Let's consider both Inception and Tenet. I faced similar issues when I watched Inception first time. I understood 80% of Inception after watching 2nd time and I loved it. Some day I might understand Tenet too and love it.
When I read reviews, comments by different people on Reddit, Quora etc., heard from my friends, many of them say you have to watch it (especially Tenet) again to understand them properly. Some explain the reason for it - like much of the dialogue can't be understood in one go even if you're a native English speaker.
So are such movies intentionally meant to be watched more than once to understand? And made to pause and read subtitles to clearly understand things and ponder on things (when you're watching it online)?
OR is it totally unintentional and depends on the type of audience? Like, it is not meant for people who are not really good at English (or any other language they are watching it in), who don't watch movies often or I would say these movies are meant for intelligent (who can be totally attentive for 2-3 hours and is used to watching such movies) people only?