In the TV Series "The Blacklist" starring James Spader as Raymond "Red" Reddington, he tells Elizabeth Keen that he is not her father when she asks him. It was made to appear as that were true, however, it seems like we forget about one detail.
The way Liz finds out that he is her father is by a DNA test that Mr Cooper had the laboratory run from some evidence with Red's blood. As it became clear, the test verified that Red is Elizabeth's father. In the series, it is never mentioned that the test was inaccurate or forged.
There is, of course, the fact that Red is this "imposter" theory going on in season 7, which perhaps because of the season not being finished, wasn't absolutely clear to me.
But people say "Red did not lie, because he is not the real Raymond and is hence not her father," but regardless of his name, the DNA test proves that Raymond (even if an imposter) is her father.
Does he say "No" as "no, Raymond is not your father [because I am, and I am not Raymond]" or something like that?
Would love to read what you think and help me figure this out.
EDIT: There is a similar unanswered question from 5 months ago on this community that I found by checking all the questions tagged with "the-blacklist," but I still believe this question is different with the facts given.
Is Raymond Reddington actually Elizabeth Keens father?