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Veronica Mars is an American mystery drama series set in the fictional town of Neptune, California, starring Kristen Bell as the titular character. The series ran between September 22, 2004 through to May 22, 2007, for a total of three seasons, and later spawned a movie funded via Kickstarter. The series was rebooted by hulu and a fourth season was released on June 26, 2019.

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Veronica Mars is an American mystery drama series set in the fictional town of Neptune, California, starring Kristen Bell as the titular character. The series ran between September 22, 2004 through to May 22, 2007, for a total of three seasons, and later spawned a movie funded via Kickstarter.

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Veronica Mars is an American mystery drama series set in the fictional town of Neptune, California, starring Kristen Bell as the titular character. The series ran between September 22, 2004 through to May 22, 2007, for a total of three seasons, and later spawned a movie funded via Kickstarter. The series was rebooted by hulu and a fourth season was released on June 26, 2019.

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Veronica Mars is an American mystery drama series set in the fictional town of Neptune, California, starring Kristen Bell as the titular character. The series ran between September 22, 2004 through to May 22, 2007, for a total of three seriesseasons, and later spawned a movie funded via Kickstarter.

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Veronica Mars is an American mystery drama series set in the fictional town of Neptune, California, starring Kristen Bell as the titular character. The series ran between September 22, 2004 through to May 22, 2007, for a total of three series, and later spawned a movie funded via Kickstarter.

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Veronica Mars is an American mystery drama series set in the fictional town of Neptune, California, starring Kristen Bell as the titular character. The series ran between September 22, 2004 through to May 22, 2007, for a total of three seasons, and later spawned a movie funded via Kickstarter.

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Veronica Mars is an American mystery drama series set in the fictional town of Neptune, California, starring Kristen Bell as the titular character. The series ran between September 22, 2004 through to May 22, 2007, for a total of three series, and later spawned a movie funded via Kickstarter.

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Veronica Mars is an American mystery drama series set in the fictional town of Neptune, California, starring Kristen Bell as the titular character. The series ran between September 22, 2004 through to May 22, 2007, for a total of three series, and later spawned a movie funded via Kickstarter.

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