McCall: I'm here for that girl. You gave me that a couple of nights ago.
Slavi: We give out lots of cards. You still can get it up, dedushka?McCall: I'm here about a certain girl. She got beat up pretty bad.
Slavi: I'm thinking that maybe you have wrong address, dedushka. This girl, she have name?McCall: -Her name's Alina.
Slavi: -Alina? No, it doesn't ring a bell. But whoever she is, I'm sure she must know how to suck the cock.McCall: Okay. Look, I understand. These girls that you....That you represent. I understand it's like they're an investment, so... ...I can give you $9800. It's cash.
Slavi: You're wanting to give me $9000?McCall: Ninety-eight hundred. Cash.
Slavi: For what?McCall: Her freedom.
Slavi: Can you believe this guy? This guy gonna give me $9000 for one single piece of pussy. Must be Ferrari pussy. You fucking Americans think you can come into my place... ...and buy whatever you want. Beautiful Russian girls, no problem, just throw down this bullshit money. You fucking insult me. I'm just fucking with you, man. But you got very big balls coming in here. I like that. So......$9000 for the troublemaker. One month. That's it. You think this is one-time payment? I make this off this girl in two weeks. That girl is still child. I still can sell her as virgin. This makes prime earner for good while. Take your fucking money and go back to your house and jerk off 9800 times. Then come crawling back here and talk to me. She'll be used up by then for sure. Maybe then I will let you have her for nothing.
I observe from this scene that Slavi changes his position throughout the conversation. I.e., he is saying/doing something on one occasion, and on the next occasion, totally saying/doing something else that negates his previous speech/gesture.
If you watch the video, once he was saying he didn't know the girl, then he asked her name and mentioned her age; once he said McCall insults him, next he said he was fucking with him; Once he gave his hand for a handshake, next, he threatens and makes fun of McCall. I.e., the character is full of unpredictability.
Why was that?
What did the screenwriter want to achieve by that? Do real-life mafias behave this way?