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default locale
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
50 votes

What was the briefest cameo ever?

39 votes

"No Country for Old Men", why is it called so?

29 votes

A movie about a man who discovers he is a character in a novel

18 votes

Why is the movie titled "The Sixth Sense"?

8 votes

Why do human movements look very slow from a tiny creature's point of view?

4 votes

Why does Hugh/Jeff still see the entity?

4 votes

Marijuana in car ignites and the driver gets high during a car chase

4 votes

Did Henry Simmons play the dealer in Agents of Shield S06 E03?

4 votes

Why does Ulysses Klaue think this about Wanda?

3 votes

Movie in which people go to a forest and build their new home but are killed by tree spirits

3 votes

What did the Cossack utter towards the two men in "The Duellists"?

3 votes

What happened to Captain America's suit?

1 vote

What is the code in Envelope?