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user1118321's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
35 votes

What is the meaning of this poster for The Lobster?

27 votes

What does Mildred mean by this line in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri?

19 votes

What was the other translator's version of the Sanskrit word for war?

19 votes

Was there a reason why Elaine said "Maybe the Dingo ate your Baby"?

16 votes

Reasons for the aggression act

15 votes

Why is the last scene (right before and including the end credits) often worse quality in transfers of older films?

13 votes

How do filmmakers avoid getting blood splattered on the camera lens in battle scenes?

13 votes

What exactly happened to Louise's first husband in Arrival?

12 votes

Is Prairie an unreliable narrator?

10 votes

We need more algorithms!

10 votes

The mark on top right

10 votes

Why are the episodes "Crocodile" and "Hang the DJ" named that way?

9 votes

Was Arrival the first movie with this plot twist?

9 votes

Why does Rafi yell "gattaca"?

8 votes

What does "Appropriate Audience" mean?

7 votes

What technique was used to create this effect?

7 votes

Why was Bob "the brain" working at RadioShack?

7 votes

Why is Mr. Robot so anti-Chinese and why is this so widely accepted?

6 votes

Has there been a breakthrough in film technology for television?

6 votes

How do reality and online TV shows prevent leaks regarding winner names?

6 votes

Sense8 Characters in Northern Hemisphere

6 votes

Reason for the homage to Greensleeves

6 votes

Does the Machine remember already reported numbers?

6 votes

The OA last episode - FBI Agent's involvement?

5 votes

What is the bit-depth of a movie played in the movie theater?

5 votes

How was the photography Samurai Fiction/Kill Bill shadow scene made?

5 votes

What are 'F-rated' movies?

5 votes

What is the meaning of Kara's dialogue, "Thank God it vibrates"?

5 votes

Why is the movie being shot inside of La La Land using old equipment?

4 votes

What crime are we to surmise that Prairie/OA has been accused or convicted of?