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54 votes

Why did they pick World War I over World War II in Wonder Woman?

Producer Charles Roven felt that WW I held special meaning for Diana. Amazons are skilled in hand to hand combats. They are also used to the fact that fight is an honorable thing. But all of this was ...
A J's user avatar
  • 58k
39 votes

What if a bullet hit Wonder Woman?

She would be injured, but she does have superpowered healing abilities During the first battle scene on Themyscira, Diana does sustain an injury/flesh wound on her left arm which the movie seems to ...
Ghoti and Chips's user avatar
38 votes

Why does Wonder Woman say "goodbye brother" to Ares?

Because in the DC mythology, they share Zeus as a father. Originally the comic book character of Diana Prince / Wonder Woman was 'created out of clay and brought to life' but that was changed in ...
iandotkelly's user avatar
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26 votes

What explains Wonder Woman's decision at the end of the movie?

Its not entirely clear why Diana chooses to stay in the outside world at the end, but I think there are two theories that seem to have the most support from the movie: She Has No Choice When she ...
KutuluMike's user avatar
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25 votes

How is the term "God" meant in the DC universe?

What is the term “God” meant to mean in the DC universe? Exactly what it means in this universe...someone/thing/power who is worshipped as a "God". The only difference is that in the DC Universe (...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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22 votes

How is Themiscyra populated?

In the film we only see one young Amazonian, Diana and we got to know in the end that she is and rest of the Amazonian seems to be older than her and we can assume all were created by Gods. So I ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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18 votes

Can Wonder Woman die?

It would appear that he's dead, but this is a comic universe; Ares is only dead as long as his death is convenient for story purposes. We do know from the movie that all the other gods are "dead", ...
T.E.D.'s user avatar
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17 votes

Do Wonder Woman's bracelets have special powers?

Those Bracelets are called Bracelets of Submission in comics. The Bracelets of Submission are a pair of metal bracelets or cuffs worn by Wonder Woman and other Amazons. They were an original ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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15 votes

How did they sail from Themyscira to London in one night while sleeping?

I think the short answer is, they didn't, it just seems like it because of odd editing. See my update at the end for why. In practice, there's no way they could have done what appears to have ...
KutuluMike's user avatar
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15 votes

What is the extent of Wonder Woman's powers?

The extent of her powers so far are actually unclear, though as a demigod she appears to be on par with Superman in many ways, but not all of them. Keep in mind that, for the bulk of the movie, Diana ...
KutuluMike's user avatar
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15 votes

Do Wonder Woman's bracelets have special powers?

Note that in the movie, unlike all the other artifacts, the bracelets she had on when she was sparring the other Amazons, and she even had on at age 8. Now we know from the comics that her powers ...
T.E.D.'s user avatar
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14 votes

Why did they pick World War I over World War II in Wonder Woman?

Entertainment Weekly asked this of the director and producers. In short they saw it as a new era of warfare, making for a more interesting setting where everything is new to everyone. Add in the fuzzy ...
phantom42's user avatar
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14 votes

Where did Wonder Woman's sword come from?

The filmmakers have not said anything specific about where Diana gets her modern-day weapons, but keep in mind a few things: It's almost 100 years since the end of Wonder Woman and the beginning of ...
KutuluMike's user avatar
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13 votes

Can Wonder Woman die?

The "only Gods can kill Gods" might be referring to power levels, not necessarily real God status. In the comics she is killed a bunch of times. Neron (a demon) kills her, the Anti-Monitor reverts ...
CyberClaw's user avatar
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12 votes

Who exactly is Hippolyta?

As with many things in comic books, origin stories change all the time. By and large her origin has been she was sculpted in clay by Hippolyta, but given life by various means or Greek gods over the ...
MattD's user avatar
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11 votes

How old is Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman's age varies. In this interview, the director can't even pin it down: “Well, I think she’s thousands of years old. Really, I think she’s a child but she’s probably 800 [years old].” ...
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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10 votes

What if a bullet hit Wonder Woman?

Since we don't see it happen in the movie, we can only speculate. There is some evidence that being shot might hurt (but not penetrate) since she feels pain when training early in the movie and is, ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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10 votes

Is the Wonder Woman theme original?

Composer Hans Zimmer says in this video interview: It was really important for me to figure out how to find, like this banshee wail ... but it had to be feminine. ...
Oliver_C's user avatar
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10 votes

What did Wonder Woman do during World War II?

Did World War II happen? There is some evidence that a World War II happened. Lex says in Batman vs. Superman... "You know, dad was born in East Germany. He grew up...eating stale crackers. And ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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9 votes

Did Wonder Woman kill Ares?

But, Ares is supposedly immortal, you don't just kill an immortal being. Of course you can... Zeus is dead as are the other gods* (killed by Ares)... at least as far as we know... Thus, so far, we ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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9 votes

Can Wonder Woman fly in DCEU?

Kinda but no. Actually, it's more like controlled falling than the actual defying gravity inherent in, say, Superman's flight. Screenrant explains: Diana confessed that flying was the one thing she ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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8 votes

How is Themiscyra populated?

It's specifically stated in the movie that Diana is the only child ever "born" on Themiscyra. We also know that the Amazons are essentially immortal although they age but really slowly. We see Diana ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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7 votes

How did the battleship sink?

Borrowing from my good friend Valorum's answer on SFF: it had hit the coral reef. According to the film's official novelisation, as it passed through the barrier, the battle cruiser hit a hidden reef ...
Möoz's user avatar
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7 votes

Intentional link between Ares' "armistice which cannot hold" and real Treaty of Versailles?

It's a little unclear what exactly you're asking here, but I think underneath this all I see the question as: "Is anything known if there was a reference (of the real Armistice of Compiègne) planned ...
onewho's user avatar
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6 votes

How did Wonder Woman's shield withstand machine gun fire?

We don't know but it seems to be a magical artifact of some kind. When Diana decides to leave the island she scales the tower and takes the Lasso, Shield, and "GodKiller" Sword...all secured in the ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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6 votes

Was Hippolyta telling the truth about Diana's origin?

"But in 2011 Diana got a different story (I told you they are always changing) and it’s this origin that the new film decided to co-opt. In the New 52 relaunch of Wonder Woman created by writer Brian ...
TJF.'s user avatar
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6 votes

How is Themiscyra populated?

No, the Amazons of Themyscira have no need to maintain the population as they do not age. As told to Diana by her mother Hippolyta, the Amazons were created by Zeus as an army to defend mankind from ...
Omegacron's user avatar
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6 votes

How is the term "God" meant in the DC universe?

By definition, God is (in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being. (in certain other religions) a ...
BlueMoon93's user avatar
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6 votes

Impact of Wonder Woman's action on the end of World War I?

The Ares is the source of idea of war and inspiration to constantly do it. When Diana kill him she also kills the planted need for continuing the fight. Because, as we learn earlier, the talk about ...
SZCZERZO KŁY's user avatar
5 votes

Wonder Woman's strength (2017 film) vs the comic books

The various powers/abilities/motives/motifs of characters in comic books changes depending on the time period, who's writing them, among other things. Superman for instance used to simply have ...
MattD's user avatar
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