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48 votes

What gave Harry Potter the idea of writing in Tom Riddle's diary?

The script for Chamber of Secrets describes the scene thusly: Harry starts to set the diary aside, then notices a BOTTLE OF INK sitting on the desk. An idea flickers. Taking his QUILL, Harry ...
F1Krazy's user avatar
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17 votes

Why isn't there Hogwarts without Hagrid?

He's saying that the school will be missing something for him if Hagrid is gone, that the experience is lesser without Hagrid. That it just doesn't feel like the same place without Hagrid there. But ...
Mithical's user avatar
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9 votes

Why isn't there Hogwarts without Hagrid?

It's just a figure of speech Harry and Hagrid are friends, if you were at school and your best friend/favorite teacher didn't go that day. The school wouldn't be the same for you. It just means ...
Gustavo Gabriel's user avatar
5 votes

Why didn't Arania Exumai harm Ron in the Chamber of Secrets?

It didn't harm Ron because it did not hit him. Ron was being menaced by a BIG acromantula. Ron saw Harry pull out his wand to help him. Ron helped Harry by leaning back on his seat. If you look ...
John's user avatar
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Was Lucius Malfoy about to use the killing curse on Harry?

Probably The script (at least the copy) I found does not have Lucius saying anything at that point... DOBBY You shall not harm Harry Potter! Dobby ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is everyone in the corridors after Harry's detention

tl;dr The scene in the movie is an amalgamation of two seperate instances in the book during which Harry heard the mysterious voice. Finding Mrs. Norris takes place on Hallowe'en in the book, so all ...
BMWurm's user avatar
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Why did Harry touch his cheeks when he turned into Goyle?

Because he is in the second year at Hogwarts, and that was the first ever time he had taken polyjuice potion, he was seeing whether his eyes were lying to him about the transformation. As some potions ...
natural's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the significance of the license plate number on the Ford Anglia in Harry Potter?

Based on the answer given to a somewhat similar question posted on SciFi a couple years back, they appear to be random: Is there any significance to the licence plates on the Ford Anglia? There is a ...
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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2 votes

Why isn't there Hogwarts without Hagrid?

While Harry is the main character of the book series and movies and Dumbledore represents the height of wizarding excellence as well as the academic goals of Hogwarts, it's hard to argue that anyone ...
Bryan Turriff's user avatar

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