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12 votes

How accurate is Sully?

The movie is mostly accurate except the negative villain-like portrayal of NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board). The movie is based on Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters. It is a ...
Ravindra S's user avatar
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10 votes

Why was the final landing scene selected for the movie's poster?

Because the film is a dramatization of real events, most people (in the U.S., anyway) already know that Sully was successful in landing the plane. The film is designed to show people what they may not ...
Catija's user avatar
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7 votes

Did Jeff Skiles really say that?

Jeff Skiles definitely didn't say that in NTSB hearing. Jeff Skiles said that to Captain Sully probably at some other point (as mentioned by the other answer). In fact Jeff Skiles never* spoke in ...
Ravindra S's user avatar
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7 votes

Did Jeff Skiles really say that?

Flight 1549 Captain Chesley Sullenberger spoke with Maggie Rodriguez and Harry Smith about the moments before he landed the airplane safely in the Hudson River, and around the fourth minute he does ...
BCdotWEB's user avatar
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4 votes

Why did the ATC operator seem like he was in trouble in Sully?

I am not a controller, but I know people who are and were -- still not an expert though. But here are my thoughts. It goes without saying that this was a very, very serious incident in ATC circles ...
John's user avatar
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4 votes

IMAX ratio on 16:9 TVs

Here's a comparison: Red is 16:9 like an HD television. Blue is 1.9:1 like IMAX. Green is 2.39:1 which is what it was filmed at and what the Blu-ray DVD is displayed at. So for 1.9:1 you'd have some ...
user1118321's user avatar
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3 votes

Why the need for headphones to hear the black box recording?

In addition to Paulie_D's answer which is logically correct that the subset of people needed to hear it clearly. I am trying to answer the why ? As this was a hearing in procession, people sitting in ...
Rahul's user avatar
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2 votes

Why the need for headphones to hear the black box recording?

Actually, if you look carefully, it's not the whole room using headsets, just a relatively small subset of people at the tables at the front. The observers at the back are not using headsets. As such ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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