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What does the number 4587 mean in Legends of Tomorrow Arrowverse

Marc Guggenheim, the creator of Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow answered this on Twitter. @Iloveyoursoul I love the TV show, WISEGUY. 4587 was Vince Terranova's "ident code." Arrow & Legends both ...
phantom42's user avatar
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Why is Eobard Thawne in Legends of Tomorrow?

Eobard Thawne explains his existence in Legends Season 2 Episode 10 "The Legion of Doom" Spoiler-free plot-point from that episode. Thawne: My ancestor [Eddie Thawne] killed himself in an ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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Who are these characters on Earth 2?

Unconfirmed but I believe that these are (via Den of Geek): Stripe Robot (rear) Luke Wilson will play Courtney's stepfather, crimefighting partner, and former superhero sidekick Pat Dugan, the pilot ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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Why such name for this episode?

Ok, I'll give this a shot too, but it's also heavily language-specific context. Like a lot of episodes, the title is a reference to something you have acknowledged. "The Lion, the Witch and the ...
m1gp0z's user avatar
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Why is this episode of Legends of Tomorrow named as such?

I'm not a fan of the show but I am a native Spanish speaker so I will say that "Lucha" means wrestling. There are many famous luchadores from Mexico such as El Santo, Blue Demon and Nacho Libre (...
m1gp0z's user avatar
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3 votes

Why did Vandal call him by that name and what does it mean or reference?

It's actually not Arabic, it's Urdu and in Urdu it means "Poor."
James Harris's user avatar
1 vote

How did Cisco mess up the timeline by saving the Dominator from Agent Smith back in 1951?

It was hard to follow because they showed it from a point of view where the timeline had already been affected. Basically, Cisco is the reason the Dominators were able to return. Something they didn'...
Mark Bartos's user avatar
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Why is Eobard Thawne in Legends of Tomorrow?

Spoilers for Season 3 Follow Thunderforge is right about him being the reverse flash from flashpoint since it has been revealed to us in legends of tomorrow. However i do believe that writers' of "...
Carl Alvares's user avatar
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What is the Carlin Award that the younger Martin Stein asked about?

No, the captioning seems to have gotten it right. The Carlin Award is mentioned twice in that episode. The first is when Martin is introducing himself to Damian Dahrk: STEIN: My name is Martin Stein. ...
KutuluMike's user avatar
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Do "Flash" and "Legends of Tomorrow" have different rules for time travel?

I would say that the rules are the same. The time-ship and it's computer has specific rules about where it's safe to travel and where it's not. The one time when Atom and Hawkgirl were stuck in the ...
userLTK's user avatar
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