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20 votes

How did Tyler Durden know all of the "useful information" that he knew?

The Narrator was never cured of his insomnia. In fact it would seem that going to the support-group meetings served to bring out Tyler Durden as the secondary, and maybe even dominant personality ...
Dannie's user avatar
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13 votes

In Fight Club, why did Tyler have his trainees make a garden?

He is building army that rejects mindless consumerism and corporate domination of the economy. From TYLER: ...Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy ...
dbugger's user avatar
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10 votes

How did Tyler Durden know all of the "useful information" that he knew?

Is it ever explained how Tyler knew all of the "useful information" that he did? Short answer: there is nothing in the movie which explicitly explains or demonstrates how Tyler Durden is so ...
MmmHmm's user avatar
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8 votes

Why does Tyler say "60 seconds till CRI"?

From much later comments it appears Netflix were guessing. A movie of this age would not have been subtitled originally, so someone has been tasked with doing it after the fact. Let's call it a '...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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8 votes

Why is everything that happens in Fight Club because of Marla Singer?

The narrator had many characters he used in different group meetings. Marla meets him as Cornelius for example. When the narrator was in the presence of another faker, he couldn't let go, he couldn't ...
CyberClaw's user avatar
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6 votes

Why is the blackmail scene in Fight Club different from the book?

The ending has some reasons for changes. Perhaps some more context may serve to understand other general differences that may make the novel more political and down-pitched). in the novel it is ...
nilon's user avatar
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6 votes

Who started the other fight club chapter?

It seems pretty clear that it was Tyler. It's possible that some of these chapters were self-starting but Tyler often kept the Narrator in the dark, even lying to him whenever he wants... but the the ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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5 votes

How did David Fincher splice Brad Pitt into multiple frames?

Regarding whether "it's all editing", the answer is yes, and that's not just this splice. All of what you see when you see a finished movie in a theater is the result of editing. In his Masterclass, ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the meaning of physical pain in "Fight Club"?

One thing about physical pain is that unambiguous with a clear relationship between cause and effect. While emotional pain can be every bit as intense the cause may be a bit more complex and can be ...
Chris Johns's user avatar
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3 votes

Is Tyler Durden the narrator's spirit animal?

It's an interesting theory, and the logical answer is: we can not know. We can not know because it is never explicated. But, on the other hand, it is quite evident. The woman leading one of the ...
Joachim's user avatar
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3 votes

Why was Marla's life in danger according to The Narrator?

The most overlooked thing in this movie. Marla is narratively Tyler's opposition. Tyler is the explosive, self destructive, hyper macho man baby. Marla is communication, trust, she shares her ...
gingerbreadboy's user avatar
3 votes

Why does Tyler Durden leave the Narrator taking his suitcase?

After the crash Tyler takes his suitcase and leaves to set Project Mayhem in motion so it can continue without him. He leaves sleeping Jack in the room (i.e. takes control of his body), gives ...
mzywiol's user avatar
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2 votes

What happens to the Narrator's baggage in the movie Fight Club?

As the narrator explicitly states that he and Tyler have the same suitcase, I always assumed that Tyler switched their luggage (or slipped something into The Narrator's bag-presumably actually ...
VesperBond94's user avatar
2 votes

Why was Marla's life in danger according to The Narrator?

Even though Tyler is part of the Narrator, that part (which we call Tyler) has an agenda, which we see represented as Tyler's proactive "teaching" of the Narrator. You've touched on this in your ...
Flater's user avatar
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2 votes

What did Tyler Durden mean by "first you have to give up"?

Both in and out of universe, one of the final phases of the hero’s journey, before the hero can return with the magic elixir to save their people, they have to pass through the deepest darkness and be ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
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1 vote

Was Tyler Durden's "question of etiquette" a common adage?

Would anyone actually discuss this? No, most likely not. It's more like an inner dialogue, like handing another person a pair of scissors you always point the blade towards yourself.
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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Looking for connections between Mr. Robot and Fight Club

Elliot's whole f*%k society rant in the first episode could be considered a more violent and direct version of Tyler Durden's single serving friends monologue - Single serving friends speech from ...
Dan Temkin's user avatar
1 vote

In Fight Club, when Ed Norton first confronts Marla, why doesn't he tell her about his insomnia?

Don't forget around the time he meets Marla, he really didn't like her and felt threatened by her. Of course he doesn't share his true problem, why would he? He's probably afraid she'd mock it, and ...
therebelcoder's user avatar

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