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2 votes

Why is Libby calling her husband "Daddy"?

Libby is trying very hard to get pregnant. Calling Bill "Daddy" is her way of speaking the pregnancy into existence and fantasizing about it. After they do have their baby (at the end of S01)...
user182601's user avatar
15 votes

Who was the French detective mentioned in Hitchcock's "Shadow of a Doubt"?

This is the aformentioned scene (and the script at the same page/stage): The books Herbert Hawkins holds are probably "Murder Mystery(ies)" and "Unsolved ...
OldPadawan's user avatar
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-4 votes

How long is a cycle in the Alien universe?

A lot of time units in our own world are based on cyclical events: A year is the time it takes the Earth to fully revolve around the Sun. Even in historic times when people did not understand that ...
Jörg W Mittag's user avatar
-1 votes

What is the meaning of "Exit, pursued by a bear"?

I think this is just an obviously Shakespearian quote, and little more than that. “Exit, pursued by a bear” is a well-known stage direction for an exit. The reference to a bear probably had no ...
Richard Kirk's user avatar
1 vote

Lyman Zerga's taste of steel touching his skin

There is a lot more to Saul’s actions in completing his task particularly after the hiccup mentioned above. A few seconds later Benedict refuses Saul’s request to walk his case to the vault himself. ...
Mike's user avatar
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8 votes

What does "find your line" mean?

"Line" just means the path you intend to follow. Mostly used in racing and referred to as the racing line, meaning the optimal path in relation to speed and safety. The racing line is the ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a deeper meaning to the "Jesus wept" joke involving the Dean in Community?

The main joke is that it’s a ridiculously over-the top response to a very trivial achievement. The misquote of substituting “Jesus wept” for “Alexander wept” just adds to the absurdity. Both the ...
jsm's user avatar
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38 votes

What is the meaning of "Exit, pursued by a bear"?

Austin is demonstrating his knowledge of Shakespeare with a quote. "Exit, pursued by a bear" is a stage direction from Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale that is infamous for its hilarity and ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
  • 139k

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