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77 votes

Why is "Captain Marvel" translated as male in Portugal?

Ok, in English this is gonna be weird to explain, but as this link explains, it has to do with the official patent designation. In Portugal, there is the woman "Primeiro-Ministro" (Prime-Minister in ...
Gustavo Gabriel's user avatar
55 votes

Was Stan Lee's cameo in Captain Marvel computer generated?

The scene was for real - It was shot before Stan died, although they did make a small change after his passing: From this link The Captain Marvel scene was originally written by directors Anna ...
Dave's user avatar
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What is going on with Captain Marvel's blood colour?

Unlike all the other Marvel films, I've only seen it once, (which is enough for me) and that was a couple of weeks ago, so apologies if I have misremembered a scene. But to my recollection, she only ...
Blade Wraith's user avatar
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Do I need to watch Ant-Man and the Wasp and Captain Marvel before watching Avengers: Endgame?

Captain Marvel is set before Infinity War and Ant-man and the Wasp is set at the same time, so it's really not that important to watch them. Although, I'd say you have to watch mid-credit scenes of ...
A J's user avatar
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24 votes

What does C-53 signify?

In Captain Marvel, Kree have assigned C-53 to planet Earth. That's what they call it. To them, Earth is just another planet in the universe. It seems to be a random number assigned to Earth. There is ...
A J's user avatar
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22 votes

How did Vers know Agent Fury's name?

He did introduce himself, actually. Not by saying his name, but by showing his identification​. Hence Vers' line: We don't carry our identification on little cards. The "little card" contained ...
Jenayah's user avatar
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Why is Carol unable to understand English?

Carol had no problem understanding the guard. And the guard had no problem understanding her. The issue that Carol thought she had, was caused by pure confusion on the guards side, as the guard just ...
XtremeBaumer's user avatar
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19 votes

What is the history of the Tesseract in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, taking into account the events of 'Captain Marvel'?

So, official Tesseract timeline: Captain America: The First Avenger hidden for thousands of years in Asgardian mural, uncovered by Red Skull burned through hull of plane, fell into ocean recovered ...
KharoBangdo's user avatar
19 votes

Why is "Captain Marvel" translated as male in Portugal?

Short Answer: Translating between languages is difficult, including whether to modify the gender of words that are translated. Long Answer In the English language, the original language of the ...
M. A. Golding's user avatar
18 votes

“What is given, can be taken away” says Yonn Rogg

He is lying (kinda). Vers has had a device implanted on her neck to restrain her powers. The Kree told her it helped her focus them, but it was a lie. The powers weren't given, and can't be taken away,...
BlueMoon93's user avatar
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16 votes

How did S.H.I.E.L.D lose ownership of this item?

At the start of The Avengers, the place where the experimentation is ongoing on the Tesseract under the guidance of Erik Selvig, is Project Pegasus. This is the name of the project that was being led ...
Dave's user avatar
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15 votes

What is going on with Captain Marvel's blood colour?

Here's where we see Carol bleed: Opening flashback--blue blood all over her face and hands. This is clearly a tampered memory since it includes a Skrull in place of Yon-Rogg. Sparring with Yon-Rogg. ...
Kitkat's user avatar
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14 votes

How did Vers confirm that Nick Fury was human?

Somewhere in the movie its said that Skrulls only have very recent memories of the human they copied. This, Vers tells Nick which in turn helps him to identify his boss as Skrull. All the questions ...
XtremeBaumer's user avatar
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How do Captain Marvel's powers work in Endgame?

Even though you have gained power from something, it doesn't always mean that you will lose it once it is destroyed. Captain Marvel acquired her powers from a warp drive (powered by Tessaract) which ...
A J's user avatar
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13 votes

Why does Fury blame Thor?

The damage done to the Earth in Captain Marvel is literally nothing compared to destruction due to the fight between Thor and the Destroyer. Besides this, Captain Marvel takes places years before Thor ...
A J's user avatar
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13 votes

Why is "Captain Marvel" translated as male in Portugal?

One-liner: Military ranks in the Portuguese Language (applies to almost all countries, including Portugal and Brazil) do not have a female lexical gender. Even if the holder of the rank is female, the ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
13 votes

Does "Captain Marvel" contain spoilers for "Avengers: Infinity War"?

You can watch the movie safely, but I suggest you go to the bathroom and/or take a snack when it comes to the credits, which, without going into details, spoil a major (but known) event of Infinity ...
Jenayah's user avatar
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12 votes

Why do some Kree have white skin?

There are two different types of Kree: "Pink" and the pure-bred blues. This quote is very useful: True Kree resemble humans almost exactly, with the exception of blue skin. Kree have a higher ...
Daeron's user avatar
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Why does Fury blame Thor?

Don't forget the next part of the conversation: THOR: My people want nothing but peace with your planet. NICK FURY: But you're not the only people out there, are you? And, you're not the ...
Dave's user avatar
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12 votes

Why did they name the movie "Captain Marvel"?

The movie's title comes from the character's (current) name, Captain Marvel. In the comics, Mar-Vell is the original Captain Marvel. Moved by Mar-Vell’s actions, Carol took the Captain Marvel ...
Raj's user avatar
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Is Carol Danvers called Captain Marvel in universe

It's not diegetic, it's just not said out loud. It is an origin movie after all. As for the components, it is shown that she was Captain Carol Denvers in the movie. Her mentor was named Mar-vell (or ...
Synthetic_Synapses's user avatar
12 votes

Do I need to watch Ant-Man and the Wasp and Captain Marvel before watching Avengers: Endgame?

I would like to explain these two mid-credits scenes in addition to AJ's answer. Ant-Man and the Wasp Captain Marvel That's all you need to know before watching Avengers: Endgame (not counting ...
Ver Nick's user avatar
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Why Captain Marvel is not the First Avenger?

Captain Marvel merely gave Nick the idea that Earth needs protectors from aliens and other beings with superhuman powers. Captain Marvel wasn't even on Earth until after the events of Infinity War had ...
XtremeBaumer's user avatar
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Did anyone call Carol Danvers Captain Marvel?

As of close of Endgame, no-one (even herself) has referred to her as "Captain Marvel". In Captain Marvel, she is referred to as "Vers", "Carol" and "Carol Danvers". In Endgame she's barely ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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11 votes

Who is the guy holding a big axe in "Captain Marvel"? Does he have any connection to anything else?

I suspect this is going to be deemed as off-topic. However, it's Ronan the Accuser, and yes, he's the big bad from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Darren's user avatar
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Where does Goose even come from, was he Danvers’ pet before the incident?

Yes, Goose was the pet of Mar-Vell. After the death of her owner, Goose went along with Carol and Nick Fury into their mission to find Mar-Vell's laboratory. You might remember the scene in the ...
Gustavo Gabriel's user avatar
10 votes

What is a Flerken?

What exactly is a Flerken? Flerken is an alien creature that looks like a household cat on Earth. From Marvel, Flerkens are living gateways to pocket dimensions which are located inside of them. ...
A J's user avatar
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10 votes

Why did Captain Marvel even come back to Earth for "Endgame"?

It would take time for Captain Marvel confirm that the effects of the Snap were truly universal. At first all she would know is that people were disappearing around her (assuming there was anyone ...
Princess Ada's user avatar
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9 votes

Why did Fury lose his eye this way?

He was acting like a cat. Goose didn't like the way Nick was treating him and thus scratched him. (Goose is a Flerken, but has the body of a cat) The man-cat love story goes smoothly - that is ...
Daeron's user avatar
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