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15 votes

What is the historic origin of these Indian burial grounds?

According to Atlas Obscura: First of all, it’s important to note that the Indian Burial Ground, which is sometimes abbreviated to IBG, is a trope, and not a real thing. Pre-Columbian peoples ...
BCdotWEB's user avatar
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5 votes

Where are the spoons?

This is just an anecdotal scene of married life. If you recall, the Sheriff forgot about the spoons too when he served Backup Deputy Chicory that tea corn soup. And when his wife can't find them ...
Walt's user avatar
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3 votes

Why did the troglodytes come to Bright Hope?

The opening sequence of the film shows Purvis (Arquette) and Buddy (Haig), startled at the potential presence of witnesses or law enforcement, attempting to escape the scene of their crime and ...
UselessDisplayName's user avatar
2 votes

What is Bone Tomahawk based on?

I wouldn't be so sure. The Karankawa tribe of southeast Texas were known to cannibalize their defeated enemies. And if you look into the work done by David Paulides (The Missing:411 books), there ...
Brad's user avatar
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1 vote

What is Arthur referring to when he says "This is where it capsized"?

You are correct about it meaning, "This is where it all went bad". It's not a common phrase, but in context it's clearly meant to convey the same thing as "This is a bad idea", ...
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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