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The Office is an American comedy television series broadcast by the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). The series depicts the everyday lives of office employees in the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. To simulate the look of an actual documentary, it is filmed in a single-camera setup, without a studio audience or a laugh track.

6 votes

Did Jim turn down the corporate job?

So I kept watching and this question is answered in Season 4 Episode 3 "The Launch Party" Michael: Doesn't it piss you off sometimes that little twerp got the promotion over us? Jim: Oh, actually I w …
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6 votes

Crew members' influence on The Office

There are a number of possible reasons. The Jim/Roy fight was between two men while the attack against Pam was a man attacking a woman. Dwight was already quick to intervene in the Jim/Roy fight, in …
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