Because of low rating, it got critical acclaim but it lacked in attracting more viewers. So it got cancelled after 3rd season by The CW.

> A group of fans calling themselves the "Cloud Watchers" sent more
> than 10,000 Mars bars to the CW, hoping that the network would reverse
> its decision and renew the series. (Source: [Wikipedia][1])

The movie was made only to give closers to the unanswered questions. Even Warner Bros. said no to produce the film, it was [Kickstarter fund-raising][2] which made it possible.

[Here][3] is the creator's word on the whole story.

Note: So if you want to complete the story you need to watch the movie after the 3rd season.


As  BCdotNET said there is a [Season 4 teaser][4] made for an attempt of making season 4 but this teaser is became non-canonical because of movie’s story conflicting with it.
