I've just read on Brazilian's magazine "Mundo Estranho"(¹) an article claiming that there are currently about 250 people preserved in a literally frozen state, based on the hope that they may be brought back to life in the future (as described [here][1]). Some of these people are [famous characters][2].

My question is pretty straightforward: Are there any movies depicting such premise? In a rather quick search I couldn't find any.


**[Edit]** I am indeed aware of depictions in the form of "deep sleep", "hybernation", "cryo-sleep" and such. Some of them in video-games, some in movies where it's portrayed as a "secondary" subject (Interstellar for instance).  
What I'm actually looking for is a **realist**, sci-fi movie in the context of the scenario I introduced, hence about -dead- people coming back to life in a distant future.

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¹ "Mundo Estranho" means "Strange World" in a loose translation. The one I'm quoting is no. 174 and refer Alcor Life Extension Foundation, Cryonics Institute and BBC as sources.

  [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryonics
  [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Cryonically_preserved_people