These are references to Ariel's treasures in *The Little Mermaid"

>Ariel has collected many things, each representing a special memory, adventure or a new discovery. She calls them her gadgets, gizmos, whosits, whatsits, and thingamabobs.

><sup>[**A Wikia**][1]</sup>

>The Dinglehopper (a.k.a. the fork) is an artifact from the sunken ship which Ariel and Flounder explore early in The Little Mermaid. It is in fact a fairly ordinary object, but Ariel prizes the dinglehopper, as it is an artifact of the human world.

The Snarfblatt was a smoking pipe but Ariel was told....

>[Scuttle shows Ariel and Flounder a tobacco pipe]

>Scuttle: This, I haven't seen this in years. This is wonderful! A banded, bulbous snarfblatt.

>Ariel and Flounder: Oh!

>Scuttle: Now, the snarfblatt dates back to prehistorical times when humans used to sit around and stare at each other all day. Got very boring. So they invented this snarfblatt to make fine music. Allow me. [blows into it, only to have seaweed and water come out]

