The ending of season 1 of Silo does not seem to make any sense.
What we learn: the outside world is indeed toxic and hostile to human life. So, apparently, there is no conspiracy: things are truly as they are shown on the cafeteria display.
What would be an obvious thing to do: if someone doubts that outside is unhospitable, lend this person a suit and have them go outside and see by themselves. And hey, in the process they can also clean the camera lens before coming back.
Yet, the whole society seems to be organized with the purpose of supporting a conspiracy, with secret cameras, secret power plays, secret video rooms, and so forth. For protecting what? That the official version is the truth?
Instead, they created a video that seems to indicate that the truth is not the truth (i.e. that oustide is beautiful and full of life) and put it as overlay for the suit's helmet. In short, they create a conspiracy out of nothing for no purpose. And then spend a lot of effort covering this artificial conspiracy. What could be the objective? I read everywhere "so that people clean". Why not sending once a year someone inside with a good suit to clean, having this person coming back, and having this person confirming to everybody that, yes, it sucks to be outside.
Did I miss anything that would hint that any of this makes sense?