Questions tagged [travelers]

Travelers is a Canadian television show about humans in the future who have found a way to send consciousness back through time in an attempt to save humanity from a terrible future. Avoid using this tag for ABC TV series with same name which ran in 2007

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9 votes
4 answers

Why does MacLaren die in the first episode of Travelers?

I just started watching Travelers, and I am confused as to why MacLaren died. They saved him from falling down the elevator shaft, therefore he should have lived. But moments later he died for no ...
11 votes
4 answers

How did Travelers bring matter/objects/artifacts into the past?

Travelers travel back in time by somehow planting information into the mind of a present-day person by the use of some quantum mechanism and a "TELL" (nevermind that GPS technology is nowhere near as ...
8 votes
3 answers

How did they talk to MacLaren for so long after stopping him from falling?

At the end of the first episode of the show Travelers we see the travelers stop MacLaren from falling 45 meters down an elevator shaft, so a traveler can take over his body at the moment of death. But ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why the strong connect to hosts in The Travelers?

So I started and finished watching The Travelers and I may have missed some details (falling asleep doesn't help...) Some of the Travelers have some strong connections to their hosts lives and those ...
8 votes
3 answers

The Travelers loophole

When identifying to another Traveler, a Traveler simply states "I'm Traveler XXXX". This seems to be a pretty cavalier way of identifying oneself to another Traveler, especially when the future is ...
5 votes
1 answer

How does Dr. Perrow know Grace is Traveler 0027?

During the interrogation in Travelers, when Grace mocked Dr. Perrow (probably Vincent Ingram who had transferred his consciousness into Dr. Perrow), Dr. Perrow told Grace to "stop pretending, Traveler ...
4 votes
1 answer

What was Grant looking for at the end of the season 3 finale?

In the final scene of the Season 3 Finale of Travelers, just when he sends an email to the 'Director', Grant appears to look through the window, as if he is awaiting/expecting something to happen. ...