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Why use a slide rule and not an electronic calculator?

In Season 2 Episode 2 of The Wire at around 31:30, we see a guy (forensic medical examiner?) use a slide rule. Why not use a normal electronic calculator? I'm not really familiar with the show - is ...
user2744010's user avatar
21 votes
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Why is Omar Little's body a white male?

By the end of The Wire, Season 5, Ep 8, a body bag marked as Omar Little is opened in a morgue, and a white male body is discovered. What does this scene mean?
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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11 votes
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D'Angelo tap, tap, tap murder reference

In The Wire, Season 1, Episode 13 (The Sentencing), there's a scene where D'Angelo (Dee) is in the interview room with his own lawyer (not Levy) about 19 mins into the episode: PEARLMAN: Your ...
Ritchie's user avatar
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2 answers

Why didn't Bubbles face any consequences for his work as an informant?

In The Wire, Bubbles was a drug addict who was a grass for Detective Greggs and other Balitmore cops. He was instrumental in providing evidence to help convict members of the Barksdale gang. He seemed ...
Ne Mo's user avatar
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9 votes
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Did Stringer Bell plan on having Avon killed?

I missed this part of the plot: the major incriminating thing the police got on String was talk about "two hitters", which the got on wiretap. I assume these hitters were put on Avon by Bell. However,...
dabadaba's user avatar
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Why didn't they go through with taking the case to the feds?

When the high command is about to shut down the Season 1 case on Avon Barksdale, McNulty comes up with taking the case to the FBI and he goes to them along with Daniels and Freamon to tell them about ...
dabadaba's user avatar
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The Wire: Payphone Code

In S01E05 of The Wire, why did they need to crack the code the way they did? Freamon said they got the pages and the numbers of incoming and outgoing calls of the payphones as well as the duration. ...
idkfa's user avatar
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3 votes
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The Wire: Pager Cloning

In S01E05 the police finally gets all the paperwork to clone Dee's pager. I'm wondering how exactly they cloned the pager, as they had him in earlier episodes but did lack the paperwork. Was it ...
idkfa's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

What exactly was the "dirt" on Daniels in The Wire?

Now that I am rewatching the whole series, I don't recall that I ever fully understood what Cedric Daniels in "The Wire" did while working in the Eastern District. What was in the file that Deputy ...
Igor V.'s user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

What happened to "The Greek" in the Wire?

"The Greek" managed to board a plane with Vondas at the end of season 2 therefore avoiding being arrested. I remember a scene in season 5 where Marlo meets Vondas on a park bench which leads to a ...
Travis's user avatar
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