Questions tagged [the-oa]

The OA is a 2016 drama, sci-fi, and mystery TV series created by Zal Batmanglij and Brit Marling and starring Brit Marling, Jason Isaacs, Emory Cohen, and Scott Wilson. Prairie Johnson (Marling), who was blind, went missing for years. She returns home older and with her eyesight. Was it a miracle or something else?

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Read the braille on Khatun and Prarie's father's faces (The OA)

In episode 4, Prarie/The OA meets Khatun again, she appears to have little bumps which look like braille. This is a longshot but can anyone read any of this? A high resolution version can be seen ...
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Is Prairie an unreliable narrator?

In the hard-to-classify Neflix mystery/sciFi/supernatural series The OA, Prairie Johnson tells the story of her apparent disappearance for 7 years to a teacher and a group of school teenagers. As far ...
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