Questions tagged [the-founder]

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5 votes
1 answer

Why did the McDonalds agree to a handshake deal in The Founder?

When Ray Kroc attempts to buy McDonald's from Dick and Mac, one of the brothers' demands is "1% if the company's profits in perpetuity". However, when negotiating, Ray Kroc refuses to put ...
Ritam_Dasgupta's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why did Ray Kroc's past haunt him in The Founder?

It seems like every time he went to a bank or went to a social event, people mentioned kitchen beds, cups and other things. I don't recall the movie really getting into it, but was he a pitchman or ...
Johnny Bones's user avatar
  • 59.8k
3 votes
1 answer

Did McDonald's bankroll The Founder?

I'm wondering what level of involvement McDonald's had in this film. I reckon if developers of the film were looking for investors, McDonald's would have been able to pay for the whole project in a ...
Troy Wheeler's user avatar