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What's the term for a scene in a film that references previous material to make a perfect moment?

Disclaimer: Contains spoilers for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. If you haven't yet seen the movie and intend to, you may want to skip over this question. In the decades since Episodes 4, 5 and 6 of ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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The "narrator" of a movie

Question Do theorists of cinema use the concept of "narrator" in the sense of the hypothetical person presenting the movie, and if yes who are some of the famous ones and what are the works in which ...
Catomic's user avatar
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Term for a movie that tells a lot through its backdrop?

I'm writing a paper about a movie that exerts a lot of social and cultural criticism through its backdrop - things like posters, graffiti, murals and so on. They are not central to the story at all (...
Pekka's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is there a term for the opposite of the Chuck Cunningham Syndrome?

Chuck Cunningham Syndrome refers to when a character simply disappears with no explanation and is treated in later episodes as if they never existed. I was wondering if there was a term, maybe "...
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