Questions tagged [spotlight]

2016 Academy Award winning film (Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay) about the Catholic Church's child sex abuse scandal in Boston, Ma. Starring Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, Liev Schreiber, John Slattery, and Stanley Tucci. Directed by Tom McCarthy.

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Why doesn't Robby handover or tell the editor Marty immediately about the possession of the sealed court documents?

Why doesn't Robby handover or tell the editor Marty immediately about the possession of the sealed court documents in Spotlight? It's only after his lawyer tells Marty, that they have won the case, ...
Firee's user avatar
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Why didn't Robby send someone else to get the court documents?

In the film, Michael learns from Garabedian that several "damning" documents he needs were made publicly available, but that Michael won't be able to get them because the Church has likely already ...
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