Questions tagged [santa-clarita-diet]

Santa Clarita Diet is an American horror-comedy web television series created by Victor Fresco for the streaming service Netflix, starring Timothy Olyphant and Drew Barrymore.

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4 votes
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Santa Clarita Diet cancelled and open plots [closed]

Santa Clarita Diet was cancelled leaving many open storylines. Did the creators comment at all on the open storylines? Such as: What was the virus or where did it come from? What was Mr. Legs? ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why didn't they go looking for a doctor or the government?

I have a simple question about the Santa Clarita Diet series. After they figured what was going on with Sheila, why didn't they go looking for a doctor or the government? I mean, it would be pretty ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is the Santa Clarita Diet virus only bloodbourne?

In the show it is implied many many times that Joel and Sheila are still sexually active after Sheila's transformation. However in the final episode of Season 1 it is feared that Sheila broke Joel's ...