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Questions tagged [ready-player-one]

2018 Science-Fiction film directed by Steven Spielberg, based on the book by Ernest Cline.

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12 votes
2 answers

In Ready Player One, how could Parzival talk to everybody?

Parzival gives a stirring speech that everybody across The Oasis can hear and watch. I didn't notice an explanation of how he reaches (seemingly) every screen and speaker in the Oasis. If that kind of ...
BrettFromLA's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

When the kids were getting attacked couldn’t they just leave the game?

In Ready Player One there were multiple times when the “high five” were under attack by forces, sometimes being under some seriously heavy fire. Instead of fighting back and shooting why couldn’t ...
Brady Dowell's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How did Spielberg come to direct Ready Player One?

It was relatively recently announced that Steven Spielberg will be directing the movie Ready Player One, based off of the book by the same name. Looking through his history of films he has directed, ...
DForck42's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How did Halliday die?

According to the Wikia page, Halliday was born in 1972 and died in 2039, making him just 67 years old. This is somewhat preserved in the movie, too; we’re told by the end of the movie that he was 7 ...
DonielF's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Which level player is Parzival in Ready Player One?

I saw the movie Ready Player One, and find out that one player gets level up going through the game and you can get special artifacts according to your level. I was wondering which level player is ...
Brock James's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Ending of Ready Player One - Nolan's reaction

Spoilers ahead! Read only if you've seen Ready Player One. So Nolan has been shown an ass throughout the movie. Although in the end when he sees Wade holding the egg and weeping he smiles a bit - kind ...
HardikT's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Where do you begin when you enter in the OASIS?

In the movie Ready Player One, we can see that a user can logout of the OASIS by removing the goggles (if they are not engaged in a fight). What happens if they login back next time? Will they start ...
J M's user avatar
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5 votes
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Was Nolan Sorrento supposed to look like a nemesis from a 1980's movie?

In Ready Player One, the actor Ben Mendelsohn plays Nolan Sorrento, an authority figure who is out of touch with what's important to the "gunters" who play in the Oasis. I noticed that he bears a ...
BrettFromLA's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How could players move without some kind of rig to enable relative movement in the game?

In Ready Player One, it is shown a player needs some kind of rig to enable relative movement in the game. But when a group of Halo players attack on foot, there is no gaming rig to be seen, Of ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why can't Parzival drive the car in forward in the first level?

In the movie Ready Player One, after Parzival finds out to go backwards in the Level 1 game, why can't he make a U-Turn and drive the car in forward direction. Why does he have to risk driving the car ...
Ramaraj T's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Why did IOI not use bots to play the game?

Why do they use actual workforce to play the game in Ready Player One? If technology would have advanced so much, why could they not use simple bots to spam the game, trying out all possible ...
Amruth A's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Ending of Ready Player One - Wade's reaction

Spoilers might be ahead - Before getting the egg Wade explains as why he wouldn't sign the contract and how James made a mistake before. And when he gets the Egg in the end, a tear rolls down his ...
HardikT's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why was the character Shoto in the book renamed to Sho for the movie?

I know that there were many, many, many changes made from the book Ready Player One to the movie adaption. But the most puzzling to me is why the character called "Shoto" in the book was renamed "Sho"...
PaulStock's user avatar
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Who was the real life character behind Iroq in Ready Player One?

Who was the real life character behind Iroq (the one with the hollow skull body) in Ready Player One? I don't mean the actor in real life, but the person in the movie who played the character in ...
Chloe's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How do they charge/cool their equipment in Ready Player One?

Does anyone have any idea how they charge/cool their equipment in Ready Player One? They didn't show any USB plug or AC. The kid lives in a stationary van so I don't suppose there's any source of ...
Jun's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

In Ready Player One, what would happen if Artemis fell while jumping?

In one scene it shows that Artemis earned the second key and jumped from one floating rock to another to get to the exit. What would have happened if she fell off or missed a rock? Would she die and ...
PotatoLatte's user avatar
2 votes
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How did Sorrento know Wade was using emotion suppressing software?

How did Sorrento know Wade was using emotion suppressing software? The hologram in the scene looked the same when he first clicked the prism to enter to when he was talking with Sorrento. What was ...
Classified's user avatar
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Was the glowing of Sorrento's avatar's eyes a reference to Superman's heat vision?

Why were Sorrento's avatar's eyes glowing yellow when he first sees Irock then turn blue after he sighs in Ready Player One? Was this a reference to Superman's heat vision? I don't get it. Does his ...
Amna Rajpoot's user avatar
1 vote
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How did i-r0k listen in on Parzival's conversations at the dance club?

How does i-r0k listen to Parzival's conversation at the dance club? I noticed that several avatars ask to get their picture with Parzival and one of them scans him and sends something to i-r0k from ...
Classified's user avatar
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How does IOI make money accepting Oasis currency?

In ready player one Wade buys a boot suit from IOI using Oasis currency. From the movie it seems that people can collect coins pretty easily. How did IOI become the second largest company in the world ...
kuchikopi's user avatar