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Questions tagged [planet-of-the-apes-2001]

2001's science fiction film loose adapted from Pierre Boulle's 1963 novel of the same name. And remake of 1968's film of same name.

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2 answers

Where did the horses come from?

In Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes, apes and humans are decended from those aboard the Oberon. Where did the horses come from?
natural's user avatar
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Why is Caesar good in the first Planet of the Apes and bad in the 2001 film?

Why is Caesar good in the first Planet of the Apes and bad in the 2001 film? And how can Caesar from the 1973 movie be still alive in 2670 even if he was born in the 1970s? Are those stories ...
DomeWTF's user avatar
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17 votes
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In what order should I watch The planet of the Apes franchise?

Basically, I ended somewhere on the reboot film made in 2001. I would like to get back to Planet of Apes series and watch it again. With Star Wars franchise, there is famous order of how should one ...
Pavel Janicek's user avatar
23 votes
5 answers

Final scene in Planet of the Apes (2001)

I'm confused by the final scene in the Planet of the Apes film (2001, not the recent Rise film). Leo lands on Earth in his own time to find it run by the Apes. How does this happen? I'm assuming ...
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