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Questions tagged [leonardo-dicaprio]

Is an American actor and film producer best know for his role in Titanic, Blood Diamond, Inception and Shutter Island etc.

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3 votes
2 answers

How did Leonardo DiCaprio get nominated for BAFTA Award for his role in The Revenant?

First of all, The Revenant is not yet released out in theatres or didn't premiere in a film festival. Then how did Leonardo DiCaprio get nominated for a BAFTA Award for his role in The Revenant?
Dave Cuyler's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Why does the accent of Leonardo DiCaprio sound so different in Blood Diamond?

The accent of Leonardo DiCaprio as Danny Archer sounded different in the Blood Diamond Film. I have seen quite a good number of Hollywood movies, so I have become familiar with their accents. When I ...
Mistu4u's user avatar
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