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Questions tagged [friday-the-13th]

80s era slasher film franchise about a boy who drowns at a summer camp, only to rise from the dead fully grown to terrorize amorous teens in locales ranging from summer camps to NYC to outer space.

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8 votes
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Was the change in the hockey mask an intentional "New Beginning"?

SPOILER ALERT In Friday the 13th: A New Beginning, Jason Voorhees is not actually the killer, but a copycat named Roy Burns is the killer and goes on a rampage to avenge his son's death. Roy wears a ...
steelersquirrel's user avatar
6 votes
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Why does Alice get the lake in with the kayak?

At the end of Friday the 13th, after she killed Pamela, Alice takes a canoe and enters the lake. Why does she do it? Why she doesn't take the car with Pamela reached the camp and drive to the near ...
MikeKeepsOnShine's user avatar