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Questions tagged [el-camino-a-breaking-bad-movie]

For questions about the Netflix film El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie, the epilogue for the AMC TV show Breaking Bad.

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2 votes
1 answer

Why did Skinny tell Badger to ditch his car?

In El Camino A Breaking Bad Movie (2019), I didn't understand why did Skinny tell Badger to ditch his car near the border?
J Mac Brown's user avatar
4 votes
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Why didn't El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie show how Jesse escaped from Todd's captivity?

I didn't understand why didn't El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie show how Jesse escaped from Todd's captivity? Why did the creators not choose to include this crucial scene from the end of Breaking Bad ...
Chloe P.'s user avatar
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3 answers

After being rescued from captivity by Walt, why doesn't Jesse immediately surrender to the police?

In the final episodes of "Breaking Bad," Jesse had been collaborating with Hank and Gomez to "nail" Walt. Though Hank and Gomez are now (after the shoot-out in the desert between ...
Alex's user avatar
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34 votes
4 answers

Why weren't the cast of Better Call Saul aged down?

Technically, everyone in Better Call Saul is supposed to look younger than they do in Breaking Bad. But everyone is older and wrinklier. It doesn't seem like they've focused on making up their ...
Shree Krishna's user avatar
10 votes
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Do I need to have watched Better Call Saul before El Camino?

Is there any plot structure in Better Call Saul that is vital -- or even just highly recommended -- to comprehension of El Camino, or is just a good working knowledge of Breaking Bad good enough? I'm ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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10 votes
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Before El Camino, has it been established that Jesse Pinkman graduated high school?

I'm asking in the context of this dialogue in El Camino between Walt and Jesse: Walt: First step, get your GED, that's no problem. Jesse: What do I need a GED for? I got my diploma. Walt: Oh. ...
galacticninja's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why didn't Jesse kill this character

Spoilers alert. When Todd takes Jesse out from his cage to 'help' him dispose the dead body of his cleaning lady out in the desert, Jesse gets a golden opportunity to kill Todd when he gets hold of ...
Tunic's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is it not revealed what Jesse wrote in the letter addressed to Brock?

After landing in Alaska in El Camino: A Breaking Bad movie, Jesse hands over a letter to the vaccum cleaner guy which was addressed to Brock. Why is it not revealed what he wrote in that letter? ...
Heisenberg's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What does the scene where Walter and Jesse meet in a cafe mean?

What does the scene where Walter White and Jesse Pinkman meet in a cafe mean in El Camino: A Breaking Bad movie? In that scene Walter White and Jesse Pinkman are having a discussion where Walt asks ...
Heisenberg's user avatar