Questions tagged [costume]

Questions about character's costumes, such as why they were chosen, what they represent, etc.

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What has the eye surgeon Dr. Solomon Eddie written on his shirt?

In Minority Report, once John Anderton gets his eyes replaced by Dr. Solomon Eddie we can see a writing on the doc's wife-beater: There are clearly six letters and an arrow but I can't make any sense ...
Robert Mugattarov's user avatar
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Was the change in the hockey mask an intentional "New Beginning"?

SPOILER ALERT In Friday the 13th: A New Beginning, Jason Voorhees is not actually the killer, but a copycat named Roy Burns is the killer and goes on a rampage to avenge his son's death. Roy wears a ...
steelersquirrel's user avatar
7 votes
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Is Mrs. Putnum's dress indicative of anything significant during this Season 2 scene in The Handmaid's Tale?

In Season 2, Episode 5 of the TV series adaptation of The Handmaid's Tale, viewers are thrown a monkey wrench on the June & Nick romance when The Waterfords force Nick into a child-bride wedding ...
Darth Locke's user avatar
  • 23.2k
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In The Dybbuk, what is Khonnen wearing when walking in the cemetary at midnight?

In the classic Yiddish film The Dybbuk, what is Khonnen wearing when walking in the cemetery at midnight? It looks like a skirt, but probably isn't. Is it the end of a long shirt?
user24353's user avatar
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Were Sgt. Preston's slightly-too-small sunglasses intended to be funny?

The 1997 made-for-TV movie "Vanishing Point" (a remake of the 1971 film of the same name) contains a car chase in which the protagonist, James "Jimmy" Kowalski, is pursued by ...
Reign of Error's user avatar