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How do the Oscars work? [closed]

I've often wondered, how do the Oscars work? How are people nominated, who votes, how do they win? etc. etc.
Pro Effects MAX's user avatar
6 votes
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Would Lord of The Rings: Return of The King have met 2024 Oscar diversity standards?

The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King has been one of the most successful films of all times at the Academy Awards. But would it have met the new diversity standards so it could hypothetically ...
vojta's user avatar
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10 votes
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Was anybody ever denied an Oscar or other award because of the Hollywood blacklist?

Hundreds of Hollywood producers, actors, directors, singers, dancers, voice-actors, choreographers, and screenwriters were blacklisted because of the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings in ...
RichS's user avatar
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How are awards given in the editing category?

How are awards are given in the editing category? In 2013, Argo (2012) won an Oscar for editing. I saw the movie, but I didn't notice any noticeable editing effects like rapid cut sticking out, like ...
Saito Clu's user avatar
2 votes
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First Best Actor Oscar for war movie

Who won the first best actor oscar while playing a part on a war movie?
Leonardo's user avatar
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Nomination vs Won

I would like to know the difference between "nominated" and "won" with regards to movie awards. From what I understand: Won : The actor has received the award. Nominated : The actor has not yet ...
adb16x's user avatar
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