Questions tagged [avenue-5]

Avenue 5 (2020-?) is a sci-fi comedy produced for HBO.

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5 votes
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Is there any significance to the name Avenue 5?

Does the name of the eponymous "Avenue 5" have any significance, either in-universe, or perhaps as a writer's in-joke? It seems a rather unusual name for a ship, so it seems to me that there ...
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Does the airlock code have any special meaning?

In episode 8 of Avenue 5, the airlock code is exposed: 5335. Does it have any special meaning? I didn't find any reference in the show or even Google search, but the number doesn't appear to be ...
Shadow Wizard Love Zelda's user avatar
-3 votes
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Was Avenue 5 abruptly cancelled?

While I'm usually quite adverse to toilet humor, my love for satire and anything Sci-Fi got me to watch the first couple of episodes of Avenue 5. After a bit of a rocky start (IMHO), I started to ...
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