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Questions tagged [a-few-good-men]

1992 Movie Crime/Drama/Mystery. Directed by Rob Reiner. Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Kevin Bacon, Kevin Pollak and Demi Moore leads an all-star cast. About a Naval Lieutenant lawyer defending two Marines who are accused of murder but insist they were acting under orders.

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5 votes
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Why does Jessep say that he and Markinson both went to the academy together?

In "A Few Good Men," why does Jessep say that he and Markinson went to the academy together? The Marine Corps doesn't have an academy.
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2 answers

Why was Lt. Col. Markinson worried that Santiago's letter would leak?

In A Few Good Men, Col. Jessup, Lt. Col. Markinson and Lt. Kendrick have a private meeting to discuss PFC William T. Santiago's letter in which he pleads to be transferred off the base and in return, ...
Alexandre's user avatar
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Why does Col. Jessup say he will "keep taking cold showers until they elect some gal President"?

When Kaffee et al. initially meet Col. Jessup in A Few Good Men, Jessup makes a remark about how appealing it would be to have a relationship with a female who's more senior in rank (putting it nicely)...
curious1's user avatar
26 votes
6 answers

Looking for clarification of jury rulings at the end of A Few Good Men

Similar to this post, why are the Marines found not guilty of murder at the end of A Few Good Men? With the precedent of the Nuremberg trials, the defense of "I was just following orders" doesn't ...
stugotz's user avatar
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Why wasn't Kaffee charged?

During the final court scene in A Few Good Men when Kaffee is confronting Jessup after his outburst, Kaffee gives him the following small speech: Don't call me son. I'm a lawyer, and an officer in ...
JohnP's user avatar
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Why were the Marines found guilty of conduct unbecoming and dishonorably discharged in A Few Good Men?

At the end of A Few Good Men, the two Marines are acquitted on most charges but found guilty of conduct unbecoming a U.S. Marine and ordered to be dishonorably discharged from the Corps. Does it ...
Craig W's user avatar
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Why was Dawson not called to testify?

Why was Dawson not called to testify that he was ordered to operate Code Red?
aarbee's user avatar
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Knowing more about Santiago

Jessup keeps saying that Santiago's death is important to save many other lives. I didn't get it. I wish somebody could explain this to me. Moreover, if he was so weak, how come he got recruited for ...
aarbee's user avatar
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13 votes
11 answers

How did the Court prosecute Col. Jessup in A Few Good Men

Here is an iconic dialogue from the movie "A Few Good Men" Lt. Kafee: Did you order the CODE RED? Col. Jessup: YOU GODDAMN RIGHT I DID! My question is whether the evidence against Colonel ...
KharoBangdo's user avatar