Oh, it's quite simple really. It's alphabetical.
Chinese word for car is 汽車
which is anglicized as Qìchē and read as Quizhe, thus making it after the word Quiz. R goes after letter Q in the alphabet.
It is believable that the word Qìchē is the last section in the library's Q section before the R section, while the "Rash" section is possibly the first section in the library's R section. It might be the small or "weird" library, having many books on odd subjects.
That is if you ignore other words starting with R which would come before the word rash, such as
race (verb)
racial (adjective)
radical (adjective)
radio (noun)
rail (noun)
railroad (noun)
rain forest
raise (verb)
range (noun)
rank (noun)
rapid (adjective)
rare (adjective)
It should also be pointed out that almost all those previous words when read start with Re- while the rash is the first one which actually reads like Ra-. So the library might be arranged by phonetic pronunciation of the words and not how they are spelled.